Introduction to Revit for Theater

USITT 2025 Professional Development Workshop

Wednesday, March 5
8:30 - 4:30

Performance BIM is excited to present a one-day introduction course of Autodesk Revit® tailored to the live entertainment industry.  This page will include information for students in preparation for the course, and a way to address any questions students may have prior to or following the course.

Download the Course
Description and Schedule

Software Prep Instruction Video
(Coming Soon)

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Frequently asked questions

I have a different version of Revit installed.  Do I have to use Revit 2025?

We do not recommend this.  There were fairly substantial user interface changes at version 2025, and it may be confusing to a beginner if you are trying to follow along with a previous version.  Currently, Autodesk's free trial is limited to V2025, and is available here:  If you have a professional or education license, you should be able to download the current version via your management portal here:

Can I use Revit LT?

No.  You must have a working copy of Revit to fully follow the course.

What specifically does the course cover?

The morning sessions will focus on creating a base model to use for your project, importing architecture and other models, and formatting views so that you have a solid base to model.  In the afternoon, we will model theater components within a performance space, as well as learn to create sheets and export views to other software.

Will we be learning how to create Revit families?

While we will touch on family editing via a titleblock, we simply do not have the time to include family creation during a one day seminar.  Performance BIM has an introduction to family creation here using a Par 64 family.   We hope to offer additional training through USITT in the near future.

Do I need to know anything about Revit prior to the course?

The course is designed as an introduction to Revit, and no specific knowledge of the software is required.  Students should have a basic understanding of 3d modeling or drafting in other software packages in order to fully understand the concepts.

While not necessary, LinkedIn Learning offers excellent introductory courses that teach the basics of the software from an architectural perspective, and we find portions of these courses help participants gain a quicker understanding of where the tools are in the interface.  If interested, you can find a suggested course here.  While we will be repeating some information, Chapters 1-4 provide an extremely useful overview of the software navigation.  

More Questions?  Email us!

Performance BIM is a proud Member and Exhibitor of USITT 2025.